Student Projects

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Definition und Implementation von Key Performance Indicators (KPI) und Analysewerkzeugen in einer Simulati-onsumgebung Reality (MR)

Stadler verfügt über einen Fahrsimulator, der im Rahmen der Simulation zahlreiche Leistungsdaten ausgibt. Diese werden allerdings nicht ausgewertet. In einem ersten Schritt soll erfasst werden, welche dieser Leistungsdaten für die Ausbildung ausgewertet werden sollen (= KPI). Anschliessend sollen diese in einfach ver-ständlicher Form dargestellt werden. Der Simulator ist im Rahmen der Arbeit für den Studierenden zu den üblichen Geschäftszeiten bei der Stadler Rheintal AG zugänglich. Ausserhalb dieser Zeiten steht ein Laborplatz am ICVR zur Verfügung.


Mixed Reality; KPI; Simulator


Master Thesis


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Published since: 2025-02-09 , Earliest start: 2025-03-01 , Latest end: 2025-09-30

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Innovation Center Virtual Reality

Hosts Kunz Andreas, Prof.

Topics Information, Computing and Communication Sciences

Prozedurale Generierung virtueller Welten

Mithilfe der Unreal Engine 5 sollen realitätsnahe digitale Umgebungen von einigen Quadratkilometern Grösse parametrisiert generiert werden. Das System soll verschiedene Landschaftsarten unterstützen (sowohl Topografie, Besiedlungsgrad, Vegetation, Klimazone) und sich an definierte Gleistrassen anpassen. Ebenso muss sich die generierte mit fest definierter Landschaft verbinden lassen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit muss mindestens ein Landschaftstyp ausgearbeitet werden. Zur Erstellung der prozeduralen Inhalte sollen nach Möglichkeit Systeme verwendet werden, die bereits in der Unreal Engine 5 integriert sind.


Virtual Reality


Master Thesis


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Published since: 2025-02-09 , Earliest start: 2025-03-01 , Latest end: 2025-09-30

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Innovation Center Virtual Reality

Hosts Kunz Andreas, Prof.

Topics Information, Computing and Communication Sciences

Depth Perception of Virtual and Physical Objects for VST- and OST-HMD

This study investigates depth perception with virtual and real objects using video see-through (VST) and optical see-through (OST) head-mounted displays (HMDs). By comparing devices like Meta Quest 3, Pico 4, and HoloLens 2, the research explores how humans perceive spatial depth in mixed reality (MR) scenarios. Through Unity-based application development and user studies, the work evaluates depth perception differences and provides insights for advancing MR technology.


Mixed Reality, Spatial Perception, Egocentric distance perception


Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)



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Published since: 2025-02-05 , Earliest start: 2025-01-15 , Latest end: 2025-09-30

Applications limited to ETH Zurich , IDEA League

Organization Innovation Center Virtual Reality

Hosts Cheng Long , Kunz Andreas, Prof.

Topics Information, Computing and Communication Sciences

Development of instrumentation and analytics for powder bed quality for additive manufacturing

The quality of powder bed-based additive manufacturing processes is heavily dependent on the uniformity and repeatability of the powder spreading process. Left undetected, deviations in the powder bed can result in defective parts, which may lead to catastrophic failures. This project is to develop instrumentation and signal processing algorithms that can detect and classify anomalies in the powder bed of a metal 3D printer based on image recognition, machine learning, and/or artificial intelligence.


Mechanical design, instrumentation, signal processing, image processing, statistics, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, quality control, machine learning, artificial intelligence, image recognition, neural network


Master Thesis


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Published since: 2025-01-20 , Earliest start: 2023-10-23 , Latest end: 2024-10-22

Organization Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing

Hosts Tucker Michael Robert

Topics Engineering and Technology

Design and fabrication of thermally tunable metallic structures

Certain design applications require structures that remain dimensionally stable despite large swings in ambient temperature. Typically, these make use of exotic materials that are highly toxic and challenging to machine. In this project, we will investigate the producibility of dimensionally stable metallic structures that are produced from conventional materials via a novel additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing) process.


Mechanical engineering, materials engineering, finite element modeling, structural design and analysis, 3D printing, additive manufacturing


Master Thesis


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Published since: 2025-01-20 , Earliest start: 2022-10-05 , Latest end: 2023-10-04

Applications limited to ETH Zurich , EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne , CSEM - Centre Suisse d'Electronique et Microtechnique , Empa

Organization Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing

Hosts Tucker Michael Robert

Topics Engineering and Technology

Design of a production process simulator tool

Ceramic sanitaryware is traditionally produced using plaster moulds in batches on benches. The casting process consists of difficult to control and even undefined parameters, resulting in variable products that can lead to a high number of rejects. Rejects and labor-intensive production requires a change in the production method. The newer high-pressure casting method promises fewer rejects and less manual labor, but requires high financial upfront investments compared to traditional plaster casting, plus high expertise to achieve stable processes and high yields, especially for shrouded rimfree wall hung WCs. The target is focusing on a concept for a new production method which is superior to traditional plaster casting on benches in terms of waste, labor time, investments, and production space.


Process Simulation


Master Thesis


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Published since: 2025-01-02 , Earliest start: 2025-03-03 , Latest end: 2025-09-30

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Innovation Center Virtual Reality

Hosts Kunz Andreas, Prof.

Topics Engineering and Technology

Development of a Business Model for an Innovative Platform for Spare Parts Trading

The thesis is part of a research project that aims to develop an innovative platform for trading maintenance spare parts in the manufacturing sector. The platform will allow companies to buy and sell spare parts for their machines, reducing the need for extensive inventory. For example, instead of maintaining large stocks of CNC machine parts, companies can source parts from others who list them on the platform. This approach is valuable in cases where the original machine supplier can’t deliver parts quickly enough, enabling faster access and minimizing downtime.


Master Thesis



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Published since: 2024-12-20 , Earliest start: 2025-01-01 , Latest end: 2025-03-31

Organization Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing

Hosts Maier Markus

Topics Engineering and Technology

Daisy Chaining Tracking Follow-up

Recent development allows for navigating a virtual environment by real walking, thanks to the SLAM technology, which localizes a user’s position and builds a map on the fly. For doing so, this technology relies on visible static features in the tracking space, while other users are filtered out and not considered for positional tracking. Hence, the system presumes that each user can track his position individually. However, far very large tracking spaces these visible features might be too far away. To overcome this problem, a daisy-chaining of tracking information of users was developed, were only one observed user needs an absolute reference.


Virtual Reality, Tracking, Multi-user environment, Computer Vision


Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis


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Published since: 2024-12-12 , Earliest start: 2024-12-31 , Latest end: 2025-06-01

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Innovation Center Virtual Reality

Hosts Lutfallah Mathieu

Topics Information, Computing and Communication Sciences

Large Language Models for Manufacturing

In the manufacturing industry, determining the optimal process parameters is crucial for improving efficiency and quality. A vast amount of unstructured data exists in books, academic and industrial publications, and various measurement datasets. Artificial intelligence systems, especially those using large language models (LLMs), offer promising solutions to effectively integrate and utilize these di-verse data sources without human input. This thesis aims to develop a system based on LLMs, such as ChatGPT or other suitable AI models, to determine optimal parameters for various turning operations. The project will focus on identifying the best combination of system architecture, base model, and data integration methods to achieve high performance. Additionally, the system will incorporate real-time measurements from the machine to improve the recommendations to the user.


Generative AI; Manufacturing; Turning; Large Language Models (LLMs); Smart Manufacturing; AI in Industrial Applications


Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis


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Published since: 2024-12-10 , Earliest start: 2025-01-01 , Latest end: 2025-10-31

Organization Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing

Hosts Maier Markus

Topics Information, Computing and Communication Sciences , Engineering and Technology

Reconfigurable Dashboard Using Generative AI

Dashboards play a critical role in shop floor operations, providing operators with real-time information to monitor and control processes. However, when operational requirements change or new data needs to be integrated, reprogramming dashboards and their connectivity is often necessary. This process can be time-consuming, complex, and demands specialized knowledge. This thesis aims to improve the way shop floor dashboards are managed by developing a system powered by Generative AI. The envisioned solution will enable operators to configure and update dashboards effortlessly through natural language interactions, either spoken or written. This innovation will simplify workflows, reduce dependency on technical expertise, and enhance shop floor efficiency.


Generative AI; Machine Connectivity; Large Language Models (LLMs); Shop Floor Dashboards; Real-Time Data Integration; Speech Interaction; Smart Manufacturing; Industry 4.0


Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis


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Published since: 2024-12-10 , Earliest start: 2025-01-01 , Latest end: 2025-10-31

Organization Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing

Hosts Maier Markus

Topics Information, Computing and Communication Sciences , Engineering and Technology

Erstellung eines parametrischen Modells und Entwicklung einer automatisierten Simulationskette zur Bohrer- und Fräseranalyse

In der modernen Fertigungstechnik spielen die thermische Belastung und mechanische Beanspruchung von Werkzeugen wie Bohrern und Fräsern eine zentrale Rolle. Um die Lebensdauer und Leistungsfähigkeit von Werkzeugen zu optimieren, sollen numerische Simulationsmethoden, wie die Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) und die Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), zur Anwendung kommen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine durchgängige Simulationskette zu erstellen, die von der parametrischen Modellierung eines Werkzeugs über die automatische Generierung eines Netzes bis hin zur Berechnung der transienten Temperatur- und Kraftverläufe im Werkzeug reicht.


Parametrische Modellierung, 2D/3D-Modell, Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM), Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Thermische Analyse, Kraftverläufe, Schneidprozesse, Werkzeugsimulation, Abaqus, Festigkeitsberechnung, Bohrer- und Fräseroptimierung, Numerische Simulation


Master Thesis , ETH Zurich (ETHZ)


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Published since: 2024-10-17 , Earliest start: 2024-10-31 , Latest end: 2026-01-31

Applications limited to ETH Zurich

Organization Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing

Hosts Locher Yves , Klippel Hagen

Topics Engineering and Technology

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